资源 & 成人学习者支持系统 大学学位是对自己的一种投资.
资源 & 成人学习者支持系统

你已经决定 成年后获得大学学位. 祝贺你! 你已经做了一个重大的决定,为自己投资, 增加你的机会, 通过教育来改善你的生活. 现在到了最困难的部分:选择大学和专业, 学习材料, 平衡学习和工作, 家庭, 还有其他的. If you’re already feeling overwhelmed, this list of tips and resources is for you.


许多成年人回到大学学习新技能, 进入新行业, 并通过教育改变他们的生活. 这是令人兴奋的,也是可怕的. 只要有一点准备和很大的决心,你就能做到!

 1. 计划现实

Your calendar will fill up quickly between 工作 and school, not to mention your free time. Using a calendar to visually represent all your obligations could help you be realistic about how you spend your time. Mark when you 工作, when you have class, when you need to study or do home工作. 一定要记下你的作业的最后期限!

 2. 使用支持

你的家人, 朋友, 同学们, 教练, 现在,老板是你支持系统的重要组成部分. 你可能需要他们的帮助来平衡生活, 工作, 在你的学位课程期间就读学校. 例如, your 家庭 or 朋友 may be able to help with pet or childcare (if applicable); your 同学们 and 教练 may be able to help you understand difficult concepts; and your boss may be willing to let you leave early for class or study during slow periods. 如果你不问,你永远不会知道!

 3. 优先考虑仔细

有这么多的事情要做,优先级必须成为……嗯,优先级! It can be tempting to put off school工作 to focus on other responsibilities but remember: staying on track is easier than trying to catch up.

 4. 与他人一起学习

Forming or joining a study group is a great way to remain engaged with your education. A study group could help you fill in any gaps in your notes (and help fellow 同学们 do the same), 在学习上保持正轨, 开始在你的新行业建立一个专业的人际网络. 一定要在LinkedIn上和你的学习小组成员联系!

 5. 休息

职业倦怠是一种非常真实和令人不快的现象. 在需要的时候休息一下,不惜一切代价避免它. 你是否去散步, 在手机上玩游戏, 或者做一顿饭, 休息一段时间很重要. Your brain will thank you for the break by performing better when you return to your task.

 6. 保持组织

Organization is a critical skill for many aspects of life—工作 and school being top of the list. Find an organizational method to keep track of deadlines, due dates, 工作 shifts, class times. 有条理可以帮助你更有效地管理时间.

 7. 利用技术

There are many apps, tools, resources which can help keep you productive throughout your studies. Do some research and try out different note-taking apps, study tools, time management trackers. 许多提供免费版本或试用版,以帮助您开始. 我们整理了一份我们的 最喜欢的生产力应用.

 8. 保持动力

Remembering why you embarked on this educational journey can keep you motivated. 考虑把你的理由写下来,并把提醒记在笔记上. Whenever you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a break and read it over.

 9. 寻求帮助

这是力量的象征,而不是软弱. Some classes, chapters, or subjects will be trickier for you than others, that is to be expected. Don’t be shy about reaching out to your course instructor for some one-on-one tutoring, 或者和你的学习小组讨论这个话题. 你在学校是为了学习, so absorb as much knowledge as possible while you’re in an academic environment.

 10. 追求速度

Some colleges and universities offer accelerated degree programs which can be completed faster (as little as 2.5年(学士学位). 这可以缩短你的学习旅程,让你更快地毕业. You could also explore online degree programs, which might offer greater flexibility in scheduling.



对于有许多责任的成年人来说,平衡工作和学习是很棘手的. 重要的是要记住,你并不孤单,要相信自己. 你可以这么做! We are here to help prepare you for some of the common challenges faced by adult college students:

 1. 时间管理

While it can be difficult to balance 工作, school, other responsibilities, it is possible. There are lots of time management tools out there that could help you make the most of your 24/7.

 2. 技术壁垒

如果你在科技进步中挣扎, online learning may not be the best route for you—but never doubt your ability to learn! Find a university which offers hands-on activities and labs, using modern equipment.

 3. 学术适应

Being back in a classroom after many years away may be intimidating but it is not to be feared. Everyone is there to learn, you’re not expected to be an expert in anything yet. Practice active listening and note-taking to brush up on some academic skills that may be a bit rusty.

 4. 学习技巧

说到生疏,你上次备考是什么时候? 我们中的许多人在上大学的时候对学术不感兴趣. 如果这听起来像你,不要惊慌. 作为一个成年人,你只需要找到自己的学习方式. 试着复习课堂笔记, 重读章节, 快闪记忆卡, 还有任何你能想到的, 直到你找到适合自己的学习方法. 学习小组也是有益的!

 5. 有限的支持

Unlike younger students, adult learners may feel more isolated while attending college. 这很正常,因为你会很忙! 重要的是要记住,你并不孤单. 你的大学应该为任何年龄的学生提供各种各样的支持服务. 与你的导师联系以获得辅导、咨询和一般建议. 他们会帮助你成功.

 6. 焦虑 & 压力

全职工作压力已经够大了, 再加上上学可能会引起彻头彻尾的焦虑. 为了消除这些感觉,休息一下,让自己放松一下. 记住:你是在投资你的未来.

 7. 动机 & 动力

It can be difficult to find the motivation and maintain the momentum needed to complete a degree program, 尤其是你在校外的生活很充实. 确切地知道你打算如何使用这个学位会有所帮助. Talk to your career services representatives to develop a solid plan for life after graduation.


Most schools have a variety of supportive departments that are there to help you. 花点时间熟悉一下 作为一个成年大学生,你可以获得的资源,无论是在校内还是校外;

 1. 学校图书馆

Most college campuses have a physical library for you to peruse, many offer 在线图书馆 也. Take advantage of the knowledge just sitting there, waiting for a student like you.

 2. 写作辅助中心

如果你挣扎着用语言表达你的想法, 你并不孤单——这就是为什么我们有写作援助中心. Visit anytime you’ve got a big paper due and want a second pair of eyes on that draft.

 3. 数学辅助中心

有些人天生喜欢数学. 他们明白了. 对于我们其他人来说,有数学辅助中心. 带着你最棘手的方程式停下来,寻求帮助找到答案.

 4. 教练 & 同学们

Never forget your most valuable (and accessible) support system: your 同学们 and teachers. 他们知道你在学习什么(他们在场), 也可以帮助你弥补知识或笔记中的空白. Many 教练 offer one-on-one tutoring to students; all you have to do is ask.

 5. 顾问 & 职业服务

Your academic advisor is there to help you overcome academic challenges, your 职业服务顾问 有没有什么方法可以帮助你把现在的学习和理想的未来联系起来. 两者的存在都是为了帮助你充分利用你的教育, 所以在需要的时候一定要利用他们的服务.

 6. 学生组织或学习小组

Joining a club or study group is a great way to forge an academic support system, 也许还能交到几个朋友. Student organizations look great on resumes, study groups can improve your academic performance.

 7. 在线学习辅助工具

有很多在线资源可以帮助你学习,包括 开放的文化, 古登堡计划, Quizlet,仅举几例. You may even be able to find some academic study aids which are specific to your field of study. 调查你所在行业中可用的工具,并为成功而学习.

 8. 生产力应用程序

Just like online study aids, there are plenty of apps which exist to help maximize productivity.


十大正规网堵平台是一所面向 寻求快速发展工作技能的成人学习者. We offer a variety of support services for our students including Writing 援助, 数学的帮助, 一对一的辅导, 职业服务, 学术顾问, 和许多学生组织. 你的成功是我们的首要任务. Contact us today to learn more and get started changing your future through education. 它可能是 你做过的最好的决定!


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